Riung Mungpulung PCMI Jawa Barat 2013

Assalamualaikum wr,wb..

Wilujeng sumping!
Last Saturday, 29 June 2013, PCMI (Purna Caraka Muda Indonesia) West Java held an annual event called Riung Mumpulung which was located at Mazzano Cafe, Jl.Tirtayasa no.27. The committee, which are the PPAN and Jenesys 2.0 member Batch 2013, are working together to make this event goes smoothly and succesfully. However, due to the bad weather, the event started one hour late from the rundown which was planned to start at 15.30. The number of the guest who were coming were also out from expectation; there were only 8 alumnae. But, that was not reduce our excitement and happiness to conduct this event.
At 17.00 sharp, we started the event. Generally, the event was the moment for us as the newbie in this organization to get closer with the previous generation of PCMI who already had the experience of the youth exchange. The alumnae were pleased to share their experience and moment with us and also gave advice for us to be good delegates who can represent West Java for another delegation and also for the world.
Besides the presentation by the Jenesys 2.0 delegates, we also had the traditional performance show while the guest were having the dinner. The event finished at 19.30 and that was the moment for all of us to say goodbye. Me, and the committee, would like to say our greatest gratitude for the alumnae who gave their time to come to Riung Mungpulung. Also, as the leader for this event, I would like to say bunch of thanks to the whole committee for their hard work and efforts along the preparation time of this event. Despite the lack, we are happy to have this precious moment. See you on the next Riung Mungpulung batch 2014!

The invitation (made by Anais | ICYEP 2013)

Our beautiful MC for RM (Meta| IKYEP 2013)
The backdrop for photo booth (designed by Citra|Jenesys 2.0)
Mojang Priangan
Neng Citra, who has just graduated as a design bachelor *ehem*
The venue
Me, Naluri, Meta, and Akbar
Ujang, Me, Naluri, Meta, and Akbar
*uhuk* maaf narsis *uhuk*
The venue
Anais (ICYEP 2013) was performing Tari Pakujajar

Our beautiful alumnus (Teh Caca|SSEAYP)

Anais (ICYEP 2013) was performing Tari Pakujajar

Hatur nuhun tos tiasa sumping, Kang! (Kang Dikman | SSEAYP)

The venue (Cafe Mazzano | Jl. Tirtayasa no.27 Bandung)

The committee (Aziz, Anais, Me, Meta, Harumi, Akbar)

The venue

Teh Wiwin (SSEAYP) and Kang Rudi (ICYEP)

The committee and the guest in the end of the event

Kang Achmad (IKYEP 2010)

The venue

Citra (JENESYS 2.0) is working on the welcome board

The property for the photobooth

The comittee

The picture collage made by me

Duo maut MC (Meta|IKYEP'13 and Ujang|JENESYS 2.0'13)

The committee (Naluri|SSEAYP 2013 and Akbar|JENESYS 2.0 2013) are wearing West Java traditional costumes

We wear West Java traditional costumes for the event

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