"I'm done doing this things. It is too hard, they cannot appreciate my efforts, I don't know what else should I do to make thing clearer. I GIVE UP."
Have you got yourself on that kind of position? Have you ever faced any kind of situation that you even don't know what is the solution? I DO. Yes, you do. Every single person in this world, who are still breathing, must say so. Problems, are like our shadow, they will go with us everytime, everywhere. I'm not saying that life is all about problems, but life is all about HANDLING those problems. Pernah ngerasa ga, mau makan siang sama pacar aja bingung, kadang selisih paham dulu baru deh nemuin tempat makan. Itu namanya problem. Tapi at least bisa kita handle kan? Yap, itu tandanya kita masih hidup, masih bisa berfikir, masih harus berjuang untuk bisa survive. That's why i say, life is all about handling our problems, mau dibikin simple atau susah, ya depend on our reaction in seeing that.
Jujur saat ini bukan mau ceramah tentang gimana sulitnya hidup, atau berargumen panjang lebar, atau sok-sok kritis tentang menjalani hidup yang makin hari kayanya makin menegangkan. Ngga. I just wanna share my thought bout recent issue happen on my boyfriend's life. I do care with him, I LOVE him so much, and now I guess he needs extra efforts in handling a quite big problem about his carrier.
Jadi intinya, Harist punya beberapa kendala terkait masalah pekerjaan. As a FGDP (Fresh Graduate Development Program) in his company, it is mandatory for him to work as a staff (of course) and another job. Kaya buat skripsi, jadi selama setahun itu dia harus bikin improvement terkait masalah yang terjadi di job site nya, dan pada akhir periode FGDP, improvement tersebut harus dipresentasikan didepan direksi to asses is he qualified enough to be permanent staff there or not. Simple nya kaya gitu.
Then, problem comes around when he is composing his improvement. Banyak penolakan dari atasan, kurang support, ga faham dengan keinginan atasan, dan lainse bagainya. Ya kaya kita lagi nyusun skripsi aja, kadang ada ketidaksepahaman dengan pembimbing, and that's usual I guess. But, yang bikin down mungkin status kali yah. Kalo dulu masih mahasiswa, kita kan fokus aja sama skripsi, sedangkan sekarang juga harus bagi waktu sama load kerjaan yang katanya sih segunung. Ok, that's the main problem I guess.
As a good girlfriend, pasti lah kita bermanis-manis ria, selalu bilang sabar, kamu bisa ngelewatin itu semua, kamu harus terus berusaha, kamu jangan gampang menyerah, while I know that kind of sweet sentences wont affect anything on his problem. Sedikitnya iya lah lumayan, support dari org terdekat percaya apa ngga akan selalu menguatkan. Now what I'm trying to do is try to be on his feet. Coba merasakan sesusah apakah beban yang dia rasain as staff and FGDP. Ini yang disebut empati kali yah. Another support yang coba aku kasih ya dengan berusaha jadi pendamping yang baik, ga menye-menye masalah kerjaan dulu, ngeluh nya dikurangin, manjanya dikesampingkan, dan lebih banyak berperan sok bijak dan dewasa haha pret pisan pokonya mah. Tapi intinya I just wanna say:
I'm here for you, don't be afraid Harist, everything will be under control soon. Bismillah.
While composing this post, sambil ditemenin lagu nya Fix You-Coldplay. Cucok bo.
Nih liriknya kalo sambil mau ikutan nyanyi.
When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
And high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face
And I...
Tears stream down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face
And I...
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
And high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face
And I...
Tears stream down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face
And I...
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
Yes honey, my darling, hunny bunny sweety pie si gendut Muhammad Harist Muhtadin, when you think that everything is out of control, take a moment please, and believe that you can fix it soon, by your own way.
With love,
Your wife to be